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GSO Test

Uniform and Equipment / Gwisg Ysgol ac Adnoddau

What will my child wear at Birchgrove?

Our present school uniform consists of the following items:





The Birchgrove Polo Shirt with logo is essential for all pupils.

These are available from Bergoni. (See below for details) 





  • Hooded Top – black only no brands.
  • Trousers – black, no denim or skinny jeans.
  • Skirts - black and a sensible length. 
  • Shorts – (Summer Uniform Only) PE shorts or plain black shorts.
  • Footwear – black (unsafe styles such as crocs are not suitable for school)
  • PE Kit – School PE Top and Shorts / Black Shorts 


Please ring Bergoni to make an appointment to book a fitting room on 01792 796880

Bergoni, Tower Court,
Unit 8,
St. Davids Road,
Swansea Enterprise Park,
SA6 8RU.



School Essentials Grant (formerly school uniform grant - PDG access)

Please see the link below for information regarding grant funding.




Pupils may wear sensible jewellery.  Necklaces, bracelets and other jewellery should be kept to a sensible minimum and should not compromise teaching and learning.   Nose, eyebrow and tongue studs are not permitted. Pupils may be asked to remove jewellery in lessons such as P.E. for reasons of safety.



The final decision on matters relating to uniform will rest with the Headteacher.

All pupils are expected to present themselves for school in a neat and tidy school uniform, presenting themselves in a ready and respectful way. 

Please label all clothing as appropriate.

What equipment will pupils need at Birchgrove?

All pupils will need the following:
• A school bag, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, coloured pencils and P.E. kit.
Other useful items:
• A calculator - preferably Casio fx 83ES / fx 85ES (solar) and angle measurer (360°); craft apron and an old shirt to wear in Art class.

Please label all items. Pupils must look after all books and equipment issued by the school. Any damaged and lost items will need to be replaced. Valuable pens, watches, etc should be left at home. Mobile phones, other electrical devices and items of jewellery - the school accepts no liability for loss, damage or theft and will NOT investigate any such incidents.